Grandma was very determined when she came from India last week. Among the countless goodies she got from india (sweets, savories, music CD's, clothes, DVD's of Indian movies etc. ) there was one item that stood out..
Learn Tamil in 30 days !!!
I dont know if she was trying to use this book to be a better teacher or she was really hoping that her toddler grand daughter would pick up Tamil in 30 days..
I was actually happy that grandma was trying, because all my attempts to make my daughter reply in Tamil have recently failed (especially since she started going to daycare !!). She has a thick accent, which I cannot place and calls me sUndAAr instead of Sundar.
To make my little contribution to the teaching effort, I started a little teaching session just before bed time .
Me : What is this ? (pointing to eyes)
Her: Eyes !
Me : In tamil ?
Her: hmmmmm..
Me : it is "Kannu"
Her: Kannu (her eyes light up because she knows this word and uses it in normal conversation.. . i also call her Kannu - "my eyes" along the "you are the apple of my eye" connotation..
Me : What is this ? (pointing to nose)
Her: Nose
Me : In tamil ?
Her: Mookku
Me : Good Job
Me : What is this ? (pointing to my leg)
Her: Leg
Me : In tamil ?
Her: Legguu !!!!
I guess she caught on to the ending for Kannu, Mukku, Kaadhu (ears) and decided Leg would be Legguu..
All we can say at this point is "good luck grandma"..