Catch them young !!

Recently read Anu_P's post on how her mother was training her to do household chores.. I got a good laugh reading that. This morning, was cleaning up my daughters toy chest and found this !!!

Have no clue who got it for her and when ! But the label on the box was quite a shocker. Train your daughter to be a good daughter in law ? : by getting her used to cooking utensils at the age of three ???

I am not against women cooking. Women should cook if they feel like it, and so should men. But "goodness" in a daughter-in-law being judged by her cooking skills or penchant for the stove ? Now that is hilarious ...

So the Indian Barbie should learn to cook and clean ? Do they have pardha (veil) wearing barbies in the conservative countries in the middle east ? just wondering ...

ps. I dont know if this is a Barbie barbie or some local indian manufactured stuff which just uses the barbie name !