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Blog SPAM ?

These days I have started getting a lot of hits from people I do not know. Some of the comments in my blogs seem so sincere and nice..

For example:

Hi, happened to go through your blog. Cool site. Liked what you write. So I have bookmarked it.

Then you go to check out the profile of the person or the blog site of that person in the comment and you are in for a rude shock because either it takes you to a site that is selling :

a. Cat food
b. lawn mowing equipemnt or worse
c. X rated stuff

The amount of calories spent editing out these messages from the post is increasing.
I know at least two others (balaji and tom) who have similar problems.

So today I was pleasantly surprised to find a real blogger behind such a comment. I actually started laughing after reading his funny blogs. So, I have added his blog to the links. Hope this trend continues...


Happy sisters..

Today was Varalakshmi Nombu, a south indian traditional festival where women pray to god for the longevity of their husbands. The kids get to eat some "good eats" and get together for fun.

My wife's cousin visited us with her daughter.. The kids had a great time playing together..

Happy sisters, celebrating Varalakshmi Nombu...  Posted by Picasa

Here is a photo of the moms and kids..


I want a baby " ----------------"

As of the last weekend, my daughter has been repeating :

"I want a baby brrroootherr"!

Personally, I would like to find the person who taught this to my daughter and give him/her my two cents (more like throw the two cents at their face !)

Knowing that we are having a daughter, it is kind of late to change anything. For some reason, my daughter thinks we still have room for change.

The only good thing is that she is not saying "I dont want a baby sister". We have already named the unborn one, and so far she seems to be in affectionate terms at the mention of the baby.

Only thing that scares her is the baby's movements. She doesnt want to see mommy's tummy move around. We thought she would be amused, but she was scared !

I guess we have to wait and see how she takes to the new one in person !


The ever amazing Chinese

A colleague at work told me about this chinese synchronized dancing, where 20 or so identical (physically close) dancers perform a show.

He sent me a web site showing this dance. At first I thought it was computer graphics or some special effects. Later, I realized that it was a bunch of dancers standing one behind the other.

To see this video click here.

Sometimes I cant help but wonder if every chinese person I meet is a perfectionist.



Hello Montana - Photo Blog

Went to Montana for the first time ! on a business trip this week. It was absolutely beautiful. The pilot was nice to let us know we were flying over Glacier National Park.

Had taken my camera (to get some Photos for my work memo), but used it to get some shots through the airplane window! The camera battery low indicator was on, so I got only two shots, but they came out well..

What do you think ?

1. Glacier National park (the ice)!

2. A little lake formed by melting ice