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Blog flu...

I think I had Blog flu.

Just think about it.. a guy who posts like there is no tomorrow, suddenly finds it so difficult to get a word edgeways on his blog, for weeks..

Here are some important things that have happened over the last one week..

Some of this shouldnt be announced the way I am announcing it.. especially to near and dear ones.. but who has time ?

First, I am going to be a US Citizen in two weeks!! My interview was over last week and I will have to go to a "swearing in" ceremony soon. Needless to say, this is the subject of many blog posts by itself.. so I will stop here. Lets just say there are reasons for going through this after all these years of indecision..

Next, we sold our house !! This by itself wouldnt be big news, were it not for the fact that we failed in attempts to buy our next house at the same time. The clock is ticking and yours truly is under a lot of pressure to find new quarters for wifey, kids and mother in law, not to mention a father in law who is planning to visit real soon.. It will be a bummer to show him into a two bedroom apartment, instead of thes prawling 4 bedroom house we are used to caling "home" .. Man proposes, bay area house market disposes.

I was sick again and was down for most of last week. That is when I decided to back off from blogger. Got a sudden headache while driving to pick up the toddler from daycare. This was followed by some violent throwing up as soon as I got home. After spending a day at the hospital and undergoing various tests at various departments, they figured that the nausea was triggered by something in my eyes. Apparently there is a viral infection in the eye that makes you extremely sensitive to moving lights and triggers nausea and headaches. I was given some eye drops and was wearing sunglasses at home, work, everywhere.. This led to me being nicknamed "Mr. Hollywood" at work and becoming the target of jokes by everyone at home including the toddler. But the virus ,nausea and sunglasses are all gone and I am happy.

In other news, I spent a few hours yesterday trying to catch up with all my favorite blogs.. Have managed to go alphabetically from Adengappa to Ferrari.. still a lot of catching up to do.. especially at the rate at which some of you blog.. Possibly have to take a day off just to read Visithra aunty's blog !!

In other other news, I went through a mid term exam after many many years !! Didnt do that badly... lets hope the trend continues.

I have a list of things I wanted to write about and havent gotten to any of it. Will start, hopefully tonight...


Creepy Crawlers !!!

I have had an interesting week. Lot of changes in our life.. will write all about it when I am allowed to sit and write blog. This is a quick one for all of you who have asked me about the 3 month old turner..

She is 4 months old now and in the last 15 days she has now started moving backwards..

Here is the demo..

btw, I read in Parenting magazine that improved motor skills are a sign of improved brain activity.. chances are this one might finish her Ph.D. before she is 25, unless of course the GWB of that day decides to go to war in Antarctica and she joins the war !! Lets think good thoughts for now..


What is wrong with this picture ?

Have to take a temporary break from blogging with this picture.

Too much going on.. plus the bug is back. Probably the 6th or 7th severe cold I am getting this season !!

I am going to take a rest from as many things as possible, including blogging for the next two weeks..

Be back in two weeks. Hope I get time to go through your blogs at least during this period !


ta ta for now.


Rocking !!

We have spent the last two evenings hunting for a rocking chair. The trusted rocking chair of three years (we got it when we had our first one) broke two days ago. The bearings just gave out ! In an attempt to fix it (hardware engineers have an inbuilt urge to fix things and software engineers have an inbuilt urge to encourage their husbands to fix things ), I managed to dismantle the whole thing only to realize that the sons of &%&^#&^#'s have used a bearing that is hard molded into the frame !!

Looks like I have to go buy a new chair. The last two evenings have been spent in trying to buy the right rocking chair. After visiting over 30 shops, we have finally decided to go buy the exact same chair (we found a shop that has it in its catalog).

In the meantime, Junior wont go to sleep unless she is rocked and that has made life very difficult for us. Imagine rocking her without any back support from 2AM to 3AM. Me, the wife and the MIL have been rocked to pieces because of this. But tomorrow is going to be a golden day, with a new rocker ...

We are realllly looking forward to it.


Recovered fully !!!

Today marks the 10th and last day of the antibiotic dose for Jr.

Today is also the first day that she has not thrown up anything !!

Yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeee !!

Carpet Maatha ki Jai !!

Carpet Maatha ki Jai !!