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Laptop Life expectancy..

Jr. has been targeting the laptop ever since she could talk.. Now it is baby's turn.. Guess my kids dont like me turning on the laptop after I come home.. and since I am acting as though I dont get their message, they are sending me a clearer message by taking over the laptop and abusing it.

Today we left the baby on the couch with the laptop just to see what she will do.. (any other object goes straight to her mouth !).. surprisingly she started tapping the keyboard instead of chomping on it !!

no wonder kids are very computer savvy these days !!



Jr. runs from bathroom to bedroom.. door is open a little too wide and she bangs her forehead on the door knob..

and of course promptly starts crying..

Me : what happened darling ?
Jr : The door was open too "loudly" and I bumped my head !!

always amusing !


Getting used to 10000 square feet ...

Till ten days ago, we used to live in almost 10000 square feet of space in an 1800 square feet home !! This was a vast improvement over our previous home which was 6000 sq. feet and a 1000 sq ft, and we really got used the space.

In an over ambitious attempt to move to a bigger lot and a bigger house, we made some tactical errors and abracadabra !! . . .

We ended up in a 1300 sq feet apartment.. It is definitely not bad by apartment standards. Possibly the best apartment I have stayed in over my entire life in the United States, but I have had this empty feeling inside me for the last ten days..

I miss parking the van in the garage and walking into the kitchen, miss tending to the plants in the garden. More than anything, I always used to beam with pride on the fact that every little thing in that house had our hard work behind us..

We felt the same thing when we sold our first house and moved into the second, now we feel the same loss, especially compounded by the fact that we now have neighbours who bang our walls if we make too much noise. Over the last ten days I have mentally mapped the showering and flushing habits of people in all five families which share walls with us !! (of course I dont know "who" is "who" , but I know that within the family to our left we have a 10:00 PM shower, a 11:30 flush, a 1:30 flush and a 6:00 AM flush.. this within my normal hours of operation in the apartment!). For an entire time table one should contact my mother in law.

It is just a question of time before we will be moving into our next house, but we all agree that we are reallly reallllly reallllllly going to appaeciate our new home, especially after living in an apartment. I know some people are so used to apartment living that they think it is the only way to live... I was one of those people.

But once you get used to 10000 square feet...

you can only be happy with something bigger !!

ps. If you are going to remind me that all it will take is 6 feet when I go down, I know, I know. But while I am alive, I love the space baby !!


Megaserial english !!

A dialogue by Abhi in the Tamizh serial "Kolangal".

"I dont want to go there. Lot of people will Competete with me "..

Competition + compete = Competete

Webster : please note down

Made my day.. either this was really funny or it takes very little to make my day, these days. Cracked me up..


Sundary Snicketts

Or - A series of Unfortunate Events..

Now slowly over the hill and finally logged in to Blogger ...

I have now lived on "thayir saadam" (rice mixed with plain yogurt) for 7 straight days.. Any more thayir saadam and I will go nuts. (If you are a PG Wodehouse fan, please read "The nodder" or "Juice of an Orange" in Blandings Castle . .. it is a Mulliner Tale and it just about summarizes my state of body and mind !).

On to good things . . .

For those of you who came to this site only to find no updates, I apologize..

To leave you on a lighter note , here is a conversation that happened recently at home..

We had some discussion / argument with our daughter.. In an attempt to patch up,

Me : Its okay kiddo.. I love you. I am your daddy.. you have to listen to me.
Jr : Its okay daddy. I am your daughter. I love you too.
(my wife walks in and she is still upset with Jr.)
Jr : Its okay mommy. I am your daughter. I love you.. (and my wife smiles)
then my mother in law walks in..
Jr : Its okay Bombay ! I am your daughter too.. I love you !

we all burst out laughing.

Jr. used to call her grandma Bombay patti (bombay grandma) , then it has been shortened to just Bombay !! and now she is calling her "Bom" !! Laziness rules I guess.