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Entries in teenager (2)


Twelve years later

Traditionally south Indian brahmins do three things when the kid turns one.

1. Tonsure kids head

2. Pierce ears

3. A ceremony to pray for the kids long life that coincides with both.

When Jr. turned one, we had a cermony at home to pray for her long life. It was a quiet ceremony as it was done in the US with a priest and close relatives only.. on a weekday morning. Well, that last part explains everything else. 

We were told by the local barber shop that "tonsuring" was not legal in the US for one year olds, so we did the tonsuring two months early in India. The ceremony happened on her birthday per the Tamil calendar and that left the ear piercing. It was again a muted affair at the local Claire's in Vallco mall at almost mall closing time. It wasn't all that muted because Jr. let out a scream that could have registered a 2.2 on the Richter scale. A few minutes later, she was her usual self.. 

It was not easy digging up those old pictures. They were in a Maxtor drive that could be opened with an "old PC".. Spent an hour just to get the pics with some bigtime help from Jr.

Today, 12 1/2 years later, we went to another Claire's at another mall to get her a second set of earrings. Given mommy has three in each ear, Jr. has been clamoring for another set since she was ten. We told her she can get it when she turns thirteen. That was many months ago, but we kept pushing it back for no big reason.

Unlike the first one, this was a two minute deal ! The collage says it all...

Apparently that bear is called the Claire-bear.. we don't remember having access to that thing 12 years ago!

Jr. is happy camper for now.

The third set of earrings will have to wait...


Attention everyone: We now have a teen in the house!

Thirteen years ago, something magical happened!

Jr. came out and stared at me with those big beady eyes for the very first time.

The nurse said they were all surprised by a few hour old baby looking up at everyone with her eyes wide open. Given San was so overdue, we treated the newborn as a two week old!

That was my 30th birthday present from Sangeetha! 

Today that present has grown to be as tall as me and is funny enough to pose for a recreation selfie. 

We found her "poobie" for this special photo. 

My grandma used to say "eera peen akki, peena perichchaali akkakara madhiri unna ungamma valththurukka".. it loosely translates to "taking a small thing that lice eat in your head and growing it into a lice, then growing a lice into a large rat.. that is how hard it has been for your mom to raise you". I am sure something was lost in the translation there in spite of my best effort.

Relatively speaking Jr. has been an easy kid. She has been healthy and happy and easy going. She always cares about folks around her and holds us very very accountable whenever she gets a chance to do so.

Here's to our big baby!

It does not matter if you turn 13 or 30. Will continue to save that blanket somewhere in the house and if I am still hale and healthy when you turn 30, we can  recreate this picture on your 30th birthday! 

Here is to many more happy birthday's to my little girl who continues to amaze us everyday!