Two Photographs..
The first one is a Pelican with an "a".
This shot captured at the Shoreline park a couple of weekends ago (when things were very different with life) during a picnic...
The next one is a Pelicon with an "o". Yes, you got that right. The title was no typo. This shot was taken last sunday where a pelican was trying to act like one of the blue angels.. When you have a 70-200 on a 2x extender the thing is more than a foot long and taking hand held shots is a challenge. To top things off the gulls and Pelicans would come flying in from the sides and mess up my focus!
The only bonus? This shot of the Pelican was as crisp as the shot of the airplanes (which could be crispier..). A lot of people got conned by the Pelicans. The blue angels would make a noise and everyone would turn to the edge of the Pier and out would come a Pelican and the crowd would burst out laughing.
This year somehow the fun was not there watching the Blue Angels perform compared to last year. There was just way too much of a crowd and too much second hand smoking for one day!
Next year we might not even go..