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Entries in mountains (7)


Using Alaska Airlines as a private plane

When you have the zoom lens available on a flight, you can take pictures from the air.. of snow covered mountains above the clouds..

Got to do this on July 4th as we flew out of Seattle..

The white balance is tricky as we have to go through the glass window and some of the light reflecting off the window as well as the sun's angle on the clouds makes it difficult to guess. 

Then of course there is HDR processing that helps remove the glare and automatically puts the highlights and details. 


Have never taken my camera bag with me on any business trip. If there is no smiling wife or kid, feel no motivation to grab the camera bag. Also, I will have to check in bags and not looking forward to that. Will figure out something on next rip to Asia.. Maybe just the camera and the 24-105mm?!

It is always great to have a nice zoom on hand.. sometimes and iPhone doesnt cut it.. this was one of those times.


Long weekend trip...

Finally got to edit the gabazillion video clips from last weekends trip and compiled them into one!

It has almost become a ritual to haul the family to some remote wilderness at least once or twice a year during the long weekends (if we are not in India or Australia to meet family!).

The drive through the mountains of Montana was by far the best scenic driving experience I have had. The drive to rainbow point at Bryce canyon, the scenic Route 1 in California and the Great Australian drive are close contenders! Rolling hills, mile after mile for a few hours at an elevation of 6000+ feet with a view of the snow capped mountains in Glacier and Yellowstone national parks...words escape me!

You can also see the hotel we stayed in! Open the window and you see a raging river rush by, mountains all around. I was telling San that maybe we should retire here, and she promptly replied that I would get bored if I stayed here for more than a week. She is probably right.

And last but not least, the Trains from the Northern railroad that joined us during parts of our highway drives. They had upto four engines and this is the first time I actually got to see these huge engines in action, puffing away.

Jr. and baby being Thomas train fans, enjoyed the sight of these trains immensely. Without confessing, let me just say that the train was moving away from the camera at a relative velocity of around 130-140 miles per hour and we didn't even cross two thirds of the coaches in a 30 second clip!

I have convinced everyone here that our next long weekend summer trip will be to Glacier National Park to see the Great Northern railroad trains.

Until then..


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