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Entries in minority (1)


Simple questions

Got stuck while writing a post, because there were some data gaps (there is always your thought process, assumption of what should be real, and then there is data!)

Need some basic stats on the following(USA, India, World in general all okay), so if you can point me in the right direction with authoritative links, would much appreciate it.

Need % of population that is

1. Right handed / Left handed
2. Male / Female
3. Old / Young (age distribution)
4. Hindu/Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Other
5. Heterosexual/Homosexual
6. rich/poor (subjective, but any site with good stats on income vs population would help)
7. smokers/ alcohol drinkers/ drug users
8. additcted to nicotine/alcohol/drugs
9. sick (terminal, major disease affected, etc.)

Thanks in advance.
