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Entries in mini thaali (1)


Mini Thaali - A photoblog

After some serious questions and requests by this blog readers for photos of the Mini Thaali...

Here is a picture of all the Thaalis mentioned in the previous post!

Now, for the details. The outermost one in the photograph, is the Madrasi version.
The middle one is the Bombay version with the "karugamani" or black beads.

An interesting thing to note: The Bombay version is the same length and weight as the Madras Thaali!

In the heart of the picture, is the Mini Thaali. The irony of the mini thaali is that even though it is "mini" and cute, it was still not being worn.. it had to be searched and found so it could get the photo op!

That said, ladies.. it is easier to find a dude to marry, who doesn't give a rodents behind* for the Thaali, than it is to find the mini thaali. It is not like you are going to wear it anyways!

You can custom order this one in most jewelry shops in Chennai.

* That politically correct translation was necessary to keep the UA rating for this blog
