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Entries in midlife (1)


Midlife crisis

Was telling a bunch of high school friends today, that I was going through a mid life crisis. We met after six months (one of the classmates who joined us, I haven't seen since 1998!)

They pretty much scoffed at me and said they refuse to accept that "we" were in the middle of our life(if I was in midlife, they by extension were in midlife too) or that what I am going through constitutes a crisis.

My passing reference to a crisis was because of

1. constant health issues in-spite of watching what I eat, the more frequent exercise (compared to no exercise)

2. the crazy work schedule and the associated stress that comes with it

3. increasing inability to make the little one drink a glass of milk or finish her cheerios (it is much worse compared to Jr.)

Apparently these do NOT qualify as constituting a crisis.

