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Entries in mexico (1)


Our first cruise!

The traveling Narayanan's went on their first Cruise during the Thanksgiving break with the Cousins.  It was also a San's birthday gift of sorts..

We went to Enseneda, Mexico from Long beach on a 2 day, 3 night Cruise. I am guessing we were never really far from the coast but it was a nice and different experience staying on a ship for days and having fun.

The sunset at Long Beach was gorgeous and we got to see the Queen Mary (from the outside!) and then boarded the Carnival cruise. 

We were greeted by a nice Rainbow as we boarded the ship.. It was a nice omen?!

We were greeted in our cabin by this nice Towel Elephant. Later we were treated to a one hour class on how to make towel animals. The entire family enjoyed that. 

When we were in Enseneda for a short time, there was a paid trip to see "The Bufadora" or cave where the sea water enters a narrow rock formation and sprays out. Given we had 3 hours in the place to see this, have lunch and shop at the local flea market, we did a very bad job of rationing out the time. 

The coastline very much feels like we are in and around Carmel. No surprises there. The Bufadora was a let down. After 30 minutes there, this was the best we saw. No 100 foot spray! 

The flea market was interesting. Not much different from the San Jose flea market, but more local items and same bargaining. Every shop had the same stuff! 


We also ate at this stall of sorts where they make fresh Tacos! The little one was enjoying this the most.

After a last minute shopping attempt by the ladies, we rushed back to the bus and were back at the ship after a small detour to see an old Casino that was famous in Enseneda in the 30's and 40's. 

The flea market was very colorful to say the least!

Back at the ship we had a formal dinner, explored mini golf on the top deck, participated in treasure hunts, ate lots of fries, ice cream and hot chocolate, not to mention masala Chai! 

And yes, we know how to make towel elephants now!

Before we knew it, the ship was back in Long Beach and we were drivng home. Be it outdoor camping, cruising, etc. the first time is always an exploratory trip. It took us 24 hours to get the hang of the ship and know how to get from one place to the other. If you know where to get what, which stuff is included in your package, what is free, etc. and time various activities within the ship with a planner, one can get a lot more out of the trip. 

We were first timers and did manage to experience a lot of what was being offered. Next time, as there will definitely be a next time, we will go on a longer cruise where we spend more time on land in between the cruise. 

It is one thing to take photographs of sunsets from land. Sunset in a cruise is breathtaking!

While the land part of this trip was not as good as we expected it to be, we definitely recommend the Cruise for a three day activity for a long weekend. If you have friends and family with you, even better! The kids really had a great time! 

Nice clean fun!