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Photo time.. birds first

I had all but forgotten about the zoo pictures from the New Year's eve trip to San Diego. Things catch up and before you know it, the photoblog series came to an abrupt end.. or blogging for that matter. 

Was not feeling well last two days but made up for some quiet time this afternoon with photo editing. Here, are the birds that posed.

Majesty even in captivity! 

This guy was posing for portraits! 

Almost all the shots here were taken with the 70-200.. some with the now working extender at 400mm. 

This one is not a bird but rather the tail feathers.. the bird kept sticking its head into the feathers. Waited for almost 5 mintues but had to move on with the group..

it was one long feather.. at least 30 inches long and absolutely gorgeous. 

The Kookaburra is one shy bird. This one kept shuffling around. Was glad to catch the colors on the tail feathers.

when it came to "color" , this one takes first place!

This one is a close second..

THis is the first time we saw a secretary bird in a zoo. They could have done a better enclosure for this one instead of a thin long strip facing the road. A bird this beautiful deserves to be free. . or at least a better enclosure. 

Last but not least, a dove that came and posed for me. This is my favorite picture of the entire bird set. 

On to other beautiful creatures, big and small tomorrow.. 

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