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Another year rolls by..

This weekend was Jr.'s Dance school annual day performance. We rushed in and out of it because of the cold weather. She did make me proud by doing her best. Given that we push this kid to do Classical dance, music, saxophone, etc. etc. I was happy with the fact that she does all this with a smile!

The 5D Mark II usually takes shots seamlessly while taking a video, but this time there are gaps in the video where the snaps were taken. Managed to Collage all her still poses. 

Here is the video of her performance! I am sure the folks in India will be critiquing her dancing. For now, I am happy that her interest in Classical dancing is increasing over time. As long as she keeps at it, she will only get better..

and yes, she is going to be pulled with me to Yoga class soon. That should help her with the one leg balancing for sure!

One more year has gone by so fast!



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