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Masala hoarder

San to me : Can you please clean up the bottom draw in the kitchen where you store Maggi. It is getting ridiculous!

Me to San : Not really. Let me check..

Well, what do you know. Over the years the girls have started liking my "Sambar podi" flavored Maggi noddles over Nestle's patented concoction which is a "crowd favorite", to say the least..and that means the packets of Maggi "Masala Taste maker" gets tossed at the bottom.

We have now over a few hundred of these packets!

Me to San : Don't want to throw them away. In case there is a ban on Maggi imports into the USA someday, we can still use those packets with Ramen noodles and get the Maggi flavor!

San gave me her trademark look that usually suggests "How can a guy be smart and stupid at the same time?!"

It is true that Indian rice imports got restricted to the US and two or three years ago rice went from $7.99 for a 20 lb bag to $ 31.99 !! Who knows, the US foreign policy is as fickle today as it was three years ago if not worse.

Still one will always have the Sambar podi to make noodles right? Wrong.

Here is a small table that explains why :

Noodles Tastemaker Taste
Maggi Sundar's mix Yummmmmmy
Maggi Maggi masala Yummmmy
Ramen Maggi masala Yumy
Ramen Raman mix Yucky
Ramen Sundar's mix Yuckkkkky

So it might not be a bad idea to hold on to the tastemaker packets after all!!!

For now, I get to store them in the garage...


Reader Comments (4)

I wonder how the ageing will affect the tast!!!! Check before you hoard:)

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdipali

as long as your warehouse is better than deep's ;-)

- s.b.

February 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous


hmm.. did not think about that.. squished the packet.. the powder is still in powder form inside the packet. so far so good..

s.b., yeah. heard about deeps rat infested warehouse. we buy two things in the house that are deep brand.. samosas and one type of paratha.

have discontinued both just to be safe..

February 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

It is best to throw them out. they have MSG I assume. I always make Maggi with only a teeny fraction of the masala and rest own concoction.

February 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBongMom

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