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The many Paavaadais of 2012

Paavaadai is the name for the south indian frock, usually made with silk and gold embroidery and this blog has a picture of my two little darlings in their new Paavaadais almost every October festival season as they dress up and go to the Golu's of friends and relatives.

This year having been very busy at work, did not get a chance to do the pictures before or after the golus on most days. So today we had a portrait session for 45 minutes. 

Begged them to co-operate for a merge photo and they did 3 dress changes in 45 minutes and we precisely engineered the seating positions.. the first set is below.

Just getting warmed up. Will post the rest over the week. There was one overlap that cannot be overcome on this set.. will have to figure a way around that tomorrow.

A big thanks to my darlings for co-operating!

More later.

Reader Comments (1)

"Paavaadai is the name for the south indian frock..."

if the real madrasis claim that whatever they speak/do etc is 'south indian' ... well, no wonder the north indians refer(red) to all south indians as madrasis, as apparently there is no difference between madrasis, kochi-ites, hyderabadis and bengaloorites!

to relieve/reduce the confusion, i think you should at least say 'Paavaadai is the Tamilian name ...' :-)

- s.b.

October 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersome body

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