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Bang on Target

More matching dresses, courtesy of the local Target store and the kids school for making their own "tie-dye" shirts..

Goes without saying that the kids will give me one good pose and one "kurangu" (monkey) pose for every photo shoot.. Apparently that is their norm.. the photographer just found out about this today.

They make great models. Was worried that the 5D has developed a focus issue of sorts but after cleaning the lenses and mounting pins carefully, looks like there are no big issues..



Reader Comments (1)

something funny with the way google is compressing the images though.. the pictures look great on my laptop screen but the uploaded versions look crappy..


the original images are very high resolution, now that we have more space in picassa thought of directly uploading the high res image.. looks like it is not a good idea.

July 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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