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Happy 4th

The two of us watched the fireworks and came home a few minutes ago..

We made the mistake of sitting in front of some high school kids. This one kid kept talking non stop and tried to crack silly jokes about "America" and the fireworks and probably spoiled the experience for everyone around a 20 feet perimeter.

Here are some photographs..

Independence, freedom, democracy... sincerely hope these words bring a positive feeling and context to a lot more folks across the globe by next 4th of July.


Reader Comments (3)

Awesome !


July 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

nice photos!

- s.b.

July 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Independence day n stil citizens are afraid to walk freely on road.. Dont u thnk we r still a coloney n dat to of terrorism. No matter in which form it comes : LTTE; NAXAL; MAO; LeT; bla bla bla.. I think we shld hold each others hands and fight for independence n make our nation a free n friendly place to live..

August 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersaqib

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