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We have a new cluster flower blooming in our front yard. There was no breeze and the stalk held steady enough to be used for multiple shots in sequence.

This is the best superimposed HDR image that is blog worthy, given the sway and the sun setting behind the flower.

Now that the camera has graduated from still objects to slightly moving objects, more exploring will be done.

Tomorrow brings us new subjects..


Reader Comments (2)

Lovely flowers :) Well captured!

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoli

Hey your work is really cool... you must consider sending it to the National Photo Salon... its an event held by the Photographic society of Madras.check it out http://www.findnearyou.com/Misc/Display_event.aspx?rid=35&utm_campaign=sita&utm_medium=Blogs" rel="nofollow">HERE hope you like my suggestion !

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkrish

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