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How hard can it be to say sorry to your dad?

Especially after you have just kicked him hard

that too after he begged you to come drink your milk before going to bed

not once , not twice, but close to twenty times

when holding that glass in his hand that long alone was enough to cause pain.

How hard can it really be?

Why do you have to cry a lot but still not be able to come out and say the magic word, knowing that all will be forgiven (or already has been) and the saying sorry is more of a token gesture

why would you not say sorry even after your big sister tells you that what you did was plain wrong and all it takes is one word

why not, even after your big sister asks you "you can't say it because you are crying, do you want me to say sorry to daddy for you?" and you nod your head "no" in between all the crying and would still not say sorry?

was it because your daddy told you that he won't love you if you keep saying "I hate my sister" or call her names?

was it really worth kicking me in the leg and falling backwards and hurting yourself in the process?

will you remember any of the stuff you did tonight, when you wake up in the morning and ask for my arm to put your head on and say "can we just sleep for five more minutes?"

Probably not.

But you might read this post twenty years from now and realize what you put your dad through, on a regular basis.

Here's to morning...

ps. Should tell my mother that compared to the little one, I was an angel. She might actually agree.


Reader Comments (9)

Your post is giving me ideas. Should I record Pari's misbehaviour on the handycam, and play it back when she grows up? I actually did something close, very long back, recorded my brother calling me names on the tape recorder!

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterViolet

"why not, even after your big sister asks you "you can't say it because you are crying, do you want me to say sorry to daddy for you?" and you nod your head "no" in between all the crying and would still not say sorry?"

I remember my brother doing that. lol.

watta post!

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSriram

whoo hoo !!

She is having one of her mood swings i guess.

And then, when she is older, she will make you forget all these kicks and the fact that she owes you a 'sorry' !

And i think, so will you. So immersed in love and basking in her successes.

Thats the mental map that i get, when i think of you all.

And perhaps, just perhaps, you may just be greatful that all those punches were the baby ones and nothing else !

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

You just gave me a great tip. I think i should tape these tantrums from hell for later use. I just survived a 'so why cant you buy me a ray ban sunglasses'one.

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAparna

If I were you I would think twice before comparing yourself with the LO, just in case the LO comes out as an angel in that comparison :)

Hang in there. This too shall pass

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWA

Well I have a little one in the house that uses sorry way too much and has no ego at all. Being so soft and kind my girl get bullied a lot :)

Anyway interesting post,

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

>>Why do you have to cry a lot but still not be able to come out and say the magic word
Because, it is not worth it... The magic word does not get me the desired attention.

You see, my sister was being nice by saying sorry on my behalf, but still it was me and my tantrum that is at the core of this blog post. Your attention... that is all I need.

- Little One.

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Violet, do it. I am compiling a collection..

Sriram, it was really touching that Jr. offered and really astonishing that the little one refused the offer.

Kavi, got the sorry tonight! definitely not planning on getting kicked after they grow up.

Aparna, talking of sunglasses, see today's post!

WA, danks. that was very comforting.

V, ikkaraikku akkarai pachchai!

somehow I think the last anon is s.b.

cannot think of anyone else who could pose as the little one..


June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Little One is going to hate your blog when she grows up!
But life isn't reasonable, and neither are kids:(

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdipali

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