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When you are compared to SRK, you should feel?

Legend has it that the wife said "I am okaying this guy. He looks like ShahRukh!" when shown this photo before she agreed to meet me in person. In south Indian brahmin parlance this photo is what you would call a "circulation" photo or "maaplai" photo, that is printed in the dozens, attached to horoscopes and circulated to temples and match making centers.

This comment refering to SRK, has never appeared even in foot notes, sidebar scrawls, or photo album legends in the last ten years from either side of the family.

The wife should be given plausible deniability for such important statements and to that end let me be the first to declare that chances are what really happened :

a. she was shown photo
b. she told her dad that the guy is ok and added
c. Wish you showed me Shah Rukh's photo


a. she was shown photo
b. she told her dad "This guy looks like ShahRukh!"
c. her dad calls my dad and says "my daughter liked your son's photo. She even said your son looks like Shah Rukh"
d. dad doesn't know who ShahRukh is and brushes aside this remark into fuzzy memory
e. years later he actually watches hindi Movies and knows that SRK is a big name and is a ladies favorite and goes "oh my god! my son was actually compared to this fellow.. should tell him next time this fact comes to the foreground" and continues to forget!
f. 8 more years later, he decides to relase this fact from the vault at 3:00 AM when he is delirious after taking heart medication

You be the judge! I am sticking to the legend version.

These days, SRK's name seems to be hitting a negative note, thanks to his involvement in the cricketing business. Wish he would stay king Khan..

Otherwise this post loses its point...


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Reader Comments (5)

No - this post still does not lose its point !!

Am sure this is going to make people laugh :D. I sure am :D.

So, in making people smile and laugh, albeit for a few minutes Sundar, you could consider your good deed for the day/days done :)

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGauri

Being a huge SRK fan, I take extreme offense to this post. But then, being a huger Sundar fan, I take extreme offense to anybody doubting your looks in the first place. Who needs to be compared to SRK to be considered King???

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJairam

I'm not really comparing but this incident came to my mind.

My friends' boyfriends look like toads, but they would say they look like Madhavan and Abbas.

I guess when a person likes somebody,their dear ones look like fantasy heroes.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDot

Wow Wow love is blind.

Good for you.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Yebba ! What kalakkals ! Now i know the meaning behind that look ! Now i know !

I know that the old military adage which states 'hope is not a method' ! But i am surprised how many like me survived on hope.

While the Shah Rukhs ballet danced, waltzed and walked away with what / who counts.


May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

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