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Color in the eyes of an almost 7 year old

Today Jr. did not have school. The plan was for me to take the day off (and still work when possible from home for urgent stuff)!

While we were walking out of a building as part of our joint adventures, we saw a cat outside and Jr., started her questioning..

1. whose cat is it?
2. who feeds it?
3. where does it sleep?
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Then while we were getting inside the car I told her, the people in the lobby probably give the cat milk.

She goes "that Barack Obama person?"

For a second, this daddy didn't get it. Figured out after a few seconds that she refers to African Americans (who you don't see or interact with much in the bay area, compared to say Philadelphia or Upstate New York, where daddy spent his early years in the US of A) as "Barack Obama people"!

The best part is that the person she mentioned was probably Sri Lankan or Jamaican Indian! (that would be my guess)

In today's world we meet Black Japanese people and Chinese kids who are half Tamizhian. So it might not be as easy for her to figure out ethnicity based on facial features or skin color.

Maybe "Barack Obama People" is easy for her?!


Reader Comments (5)

Shades of C++. She just defined a character type. And it has CLASS ....

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUgich Konitari

Very cute!! Many times kids surprise us by their cute answers!!

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSwatantra

i think 'barack obama person' sounds more uplifting than 'slumdog millionaire person' (which is how a harlem kid might refer to desis) - jai ho!!

- s.b.

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

That's pathetic - especially coming from a rather dark skinned family

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSujeev

UK, that was a nice comparison!

Swatantra, I was surprised for sure..

s.b., :)

Sujeev, don't understand your comment. this is not about color alone.. it is about ethnicity.. Barack Obama is definitely fairer than me.


October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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