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Counting Laughs

This DVD cover for "Get Smart", really got me laughing...

The movie has its funny movements, all thanks to Steve Carell, but we all dozed off multiple times because they failed to sustain the jokes.

Definitely worth watching once, especially if your DVD player allows you to fast forward at 1.4x with the captions and sound still on...

These days, we seem to watch Tamizh, English, Hindi, French , any movies in that mode. Who gets time to watch a movie for 2+ hours? We don't. So we watch a 2 hour movie in an hour and 20 minutes.

Tamizh movies go faster if you forward the fights, the song and dance sequences and Vadivelu comedy scenes. You get to watch all those when the MIL is watching SUN TV anyways and the comedy is mostly not funny!

Viva, fast forward!


Reader Comments (2)

the french movie we saw was "the diving bell and the butterfly"..

the movie was inspirational.. (guess the real dude was.. it is a biography)

but there are a couple of scenes which will teach Delhi Kumar a thing or two about taking his time to walk from the end of the street, sit down on a thinnai, adjsut his towel and clear his throat and make all of that a whole episode of Metti Oli !

looks like Delhi Kumar is not the slowest soap actor!


November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

haha, I've been watching most average Tamil movies forwarding fights,vadivelu comedy tracks and songs for years now. :D

Same thing for serials, we get 1.5-2hr dvd's a week instead of Sun TV, so If I have access to the remote, I'm done in 15 minutes and still am as updated as my parents! Sometimes if you forward the crying scenes, your forwarding the whole thing, nothing to watch:)

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSivajini

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