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There are some reports which are now suggesting that the latest terror attacks in Mumbai is "India's 9/11" and there are some extrapolated suggestions to use this justification for war with Pakistan.

We all know what the Iraq war did, not just to Iraq and the USA, but to the rest of the world.

If these attacks in Mumbai are the outcome of "home grown terrorism", then a lot will be lost if such extrapolations are made.

The American media (and some of the prominent Indian media - apparently the video clips are all from sites like NDTV, CNN-IBN etc) need some fact checking. When you market horseshit in the name of reportive journalism with total abandon for facts, consequences, in a time when tensions are high, it should be considered a criminal offense and these folks should be tried for inciting instabilty.

The press seems to want to one up saadhus and mullahs on brining out the worst in people!

My mother almost had a heart attack on 9/11 because the local headline in the newspaper was "Americave paththi erigiradhu" (whole of America is in flames). I was on a plane that day (not anywhere in harms way), but from where she was, the picture that was painted was very different. Some person who had a 3rd cousin in the USA would have offered his expert opinion on 9/11 that day to local TV channels.

We get so used to seeing neighbours of homicide victims talk about people they hardly know in the local news channels. Same thing, different circumstance, different people, different countries.

The outcome of this always is bad!

Read Kavi's post and was very comforted by it.

For those of you here in the USA who read this blog, happy thanksgiving.

Think happy thoughts. Be thankful for what we have and take for granted!


Reader Comments (2)

The whole thing is horrible, Sundar. Just horrible. Im speechless.

November 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterB o o

i don't care what rock these low lifes have crawled out from - i say, waterboard them. no ideology or religion should excuse the murder innocents.

- s.b.

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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