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Fun in my back yard (after NIMBY, YIMBY,...), with my new love the Digital Rebel. I thought the wifey was over reacting when she was worried that I might elope with the EOS 400. Well, she may have some reason for concern there. The only way I could diffuse the situation was to make it a threesome with me the wife and the Rebel!

What ? You actually expect me to show you how the wife took to the EOS (taking pictures) or how the EOS took to the wife (she sees my wife in a whole different way, I tell you) ? Naughty naughty! Even I am not allowed to go back and see those pictures. Forget you!

All I CAN show you, is other pictures with the Rebel, all taken over this weekend.

The bird nests were manual focus. Wish that I had the bird on the tree on manual focus also. I am finding that it is very difficult to manual focus when the zoom is out at 200 mm.. difficult, not impossible.

Jr. was a tease as usual, making it difficult for me to take portraits. The little one has started smiling again, now that grandma is back!

A hummingbird and butterfly have been teasing me all afternoon. Will post pictures if I ever succeed in catching either one.


Reader Comments (3)

Nice pictures Sundar! How about trying out some photos in Sepia mode? The kids can be dressed in a pavadai for a more authentic look :)

July 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPoonam

Manual focusing is always tougher. At times when we need to be quick it sucks. But practise makes a man perfect. Keep practising and you will get it. At times I have had three SLR cameras on my neck, one with a normal lens, one with a wide angle lens, and one with a Tele focus lens.

BTW, has your MIL (Mother-in-law) got a season ticket to fly (Looks like only recently you posted after sending her at the airport..)Please do not take anything offensive... I meant that the days are flying fast.

July 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji S Rajan

poonam, testing the features on the camera.. one at a time.

will try it soon.

Balaji Sir, MIL was in Seattle, not in India.. she is a true international traveller shuttling between three continents once a year to spend time with kids, grandkids. Not an easy thing to do..

July 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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