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Guru Shishyai (Teacher and Student)

Jr. has been attending Indian dancing classes(Bharatanatyam which she calls Indian dancing class), for the last few months. She really enjoys it.

What she enjoys more than the dance classes or practice is the new devotion her baby sister is showing her, after she shows off her dance moves.

The little one will be a year and a half old in a few days and she has really taken to dancing and is also her akka's biggest fan!

Jr. has been complaining about too many videos of baby in the blog. I was recently babysitting the kids in the evening for a few minutes by showing them old videos from the blog. Jr. said "Why are there no videos of ME when I was a baby, in the blog? Daddy, I want you to put some of my baby videos in the blog also!".

I had to explain to her that she was probably the most videoed kid in history, but I just hadn't started blogging then! Don't think she understood.

Now I have to be careful and make sure I give them equal "media coverage" or I will go down in history as a biased dad!


Reader Comments (7)

Hi .. just watched the video .. really sweet. Had a long and difficult day .. watching this made me smile :-) thankyou.

April 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSS

Aah...CHOOOOOOOOO cute:-) The little one is going to be a genius. Bharathanatyam at 1 and 1/2. Oh yes, and Jr. did her steps very well:-)

April 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Really cute!

May 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSri

Lovely !

Sundar, media coverage has to be balanced. After all she doesnt run a TV channel in her backyard to get special coverage !! :)

LOVELY is not the word !

( Dont know if you follow a ritual of negating the evil eye called colloqially referred to as 'suthipodu' where a set of 'high power items' hover over the head in the safe precints of the mothers hands. And then gets disposed off. My wife specifically recommends that for Jr.

May 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

yeah suthi pohdungeh

so cute

note to junior : ur photo is everyone before this darling - n then daddy only started blogging recently

but in future we shall make sure dad puts up equal photo n videos ;)

May 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

Excellent! Especially the credits.

October 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnjali Nandan

Thanks for Posting!

October 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnjali

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