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San Francisco Trip

Having lived in the bay area for 8+ years now, I have never actually walked along the SFO piers even once !!

Even this week, we managed it only because we both took the day off, sent the kids to daycare and took my cousin to Alcatraz, Half moon bay and back in time to pick up the kids.

It was a very pleasant day and we walked along the Embarcadero,

past all the gigantic art works,

took a tram to the pier from the Port Station,

went under the bridge...

It was a very pleasant day and we walked along the Embarcadero,

took a ferry to "The Rock", with the coastguard supervising,

The ride was short and pleasant..

and took an audio tour.

It was really interesting. We really enjoyed it.
When we came out of Alcatraz we had this great view of the city. In all my visits to golden gate bridge I have not had such a nice view of the city.

Finally wrapped off the trip with a visit to the Half Moon bay beach along the scenic Route 1

From now on, if we want a vacation, we will both take the day off, send the kids to daycare and visit local sites within a two hour radius. I love my angels, all three of them.. but there is something to be said about the lack of stereophonic wailing noises inside the confines of a closed automobile !!

Reader Comments (6)

hi sundar,
its a lovely place...and how are ur angels...

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterprachi

I guess you miss them more when they arent there in your immediate vicinity !

To talk, to babble, laugh and cry. Not to forget the wailing. And by the way, teach you lessons in life like life melting between a Sunday and a Sundae !!


September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

Hmm...looks interesting....I feel ashamed that I've never been around the city..!! inspite of living here since Aug-2000! Must do..one of these days.!

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNarayanan Venkitu

hummm you guys havent discovered ur city? tsh tsh

when the younger one is slightly older take them on the ferry theyd love it

photos look good - place looks good to

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

whoa! was startled when i saw the title! nice pics. i came there in 2002 and went around. beautiful city.

September 29, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertt_giant

I just browsed into this randomly. Nice photos.

September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKrish

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