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Innocence is God

A conversation overheard from the driver seat, on our way to Ghirardelli Square.

Jr: I want to eat ice cream
Mom : We are going to Ghirardelli square and I am going to get you an Ice Cream Sundae.
Jr: I want to eat ice cream now !
Mom : Stop shouting. Didnt I just say we are going to go buy you an ice cream sundae ? (tells dad, "hey daddy, can you tell her where we are going ?"
Me : We are going to buy ice cream
Jr:(shouts) But I want ice cream right now !!
Mom : What is wrong with you ? I am going to buy you an ice cream sundae as soon as we go there.
Jr: I DONT want to wait till Sunday. Today is Saturday. I want it today !!!

At that point I just wanted to stop the car, go pick up the kid from the backseat and give her a big hug. The poor thing does not know Sundae from Sunday!!

Reader Comments (5)

As i said earlier, give her the hug !! Between the Sundae & Sunday life will melt through !

Somebody said, Life is a lollilop ! Well, here its a Sundae !!

September 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

that was 2 gud.

September 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAravind

hehehe poor kid- did you all laugh and did she look at you all all cross ;p ehhehe i could just imagine the scene

September 26, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

Life is a lollipop !! never heard that one Kavi. that was good.

aravind , visithra

yes, we all laughed. she had no idea what was going on.. all the more reason for that hug.

September 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

lol..edhaan kuzhandhai'ghardhu!

September 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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