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Pooochies !!

My earliest memories of my sister are of her combing my hair for two straight hours when I was 9 or 10 years old. She was 4-5 at the time and was really cranky one day. I happened to sit with my back against the sofa and she was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

So, my mom gives her a comb and says "fix his hair.. he needs it". My dandruff problems were legendary in those days. Used to hate those baths with the Selsun Blue stuff ! She called the dandruff "poochies" ("insects" in Tamizh) and went on to remove the poochies for two hours straight. After my scalp had pretty much turned red and I started complaining she stopped..

Recently my daughter was given a comb at her daycare .. So her latest hobby is to fix everyones hair with that mini comb. This has exasperated the wife and mother in law because they dont want to be touched with the same comb that has seen Daddy's hair !! God forbid !! Combing is now a restricted activity and the comb has been quarantined for Daddy. The funniest thing is that today my daughter combed my hair for almost and hour and guess what she said

"Daddy there are lots of poochies in your hair.. it is going to take me a long time to remove them". I am glad my daughter decided to give up an hour earlier than my sister did in those days..The incident brought back so many memories.. My mom says that we (me and my siblings) have all drifted all over the world and she is saddened by it. But genes are genes.. and we are always in everyones heart.. just another incident that goes to prove it !

Reader Comments (9)

Hmmm...havent you done anything to fix your poochie thollai besides Selsun???:))

April 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCasement

hehehe aww so cute - same words ;)

April 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

hey man...when i was in india, your mani(my mom) would actually take real poochies out of my hair...take your pick.

April 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterRam Mahalingam

ayoo paavam (poochies).. they need a new home. :))

April 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNyneishia

casement, we did.. but we dont want to go into those hideous details, do we ?

visithra aunty, yep. she used the exact same words !!

ram, how is your current situation with the poochies ?? hope she is still not picking them from your hair !!

nyneishia, now i know whose side you are on !!

April 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Aiyo Paavam :)

PS: Sundar, rombha naala oru chinna doubtu, unga url-la oru number keedhe adhu enna unga vayasaa? :)

April 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterWA


indha nakkla dhane venamgaradhu !! when yahoo first started and became popular i tried to get myself an email id.. tried sundar, sundar1, sundar2.. till sundar11..
they were all taken.. and this was just a few days after yahoo mail was started !!!!!! go figure the number of sundars out there.. sundar12 was available.. but i choose 72 because I was born in 72 !! the very next day i went and signed up for sundar72 in most of the popular mail services ..


April 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Sundar, enna achu? Gone quiet for a while. Have you guys found the house you were looking for? Moved yet? Looking fwd to hearing more

April 12, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterWA

hows everyone doing

April 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

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