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Spell-bound ??

Jr. is now into spelling.. At least she can figure out what any word starts with..

We are having fun with Phonics now.

However, She spent 10 minutes telling me "Crocodile starts with a K daddy !!".. After much persuation, Crocodile finally starts with a C.

She was also trying to convince me that America starts with M !! I will leave that as an exercise for her teachers.

Pretty soon we will be spelling entire words... looking forward to more of

"you dont know anything daddy.. this is how it is done !!"

Reader Comments (3)

Nice one Sundar. Seems like she thinks (or talks !) and figures out what the first alphabet should be. When I grew up I just memorized everything :)


March 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

lol..Yeah.. there is more fun in store.. with Psychology n philosophy and phonics.. :)) They will all start with 'F'

But she is so on the right track..English is a silly language with no good rule to follow.
enjoy the upcoming days !!

March 12, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNyneishia


i dont even remember how i did this when i was a kid !!

nyneishia, as of now my IQ according to my daughter, is hovering around 40.. she has taken it upon herself to teach me how to speak!!

March 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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