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One last video...

The trial period on the morphing software ends tonight..

So, one last morph trick before I wrap up. . .

I am glad you liked the previous morph videos.. I got emails that said it looks more like "sun TV opening credits", "Michael Jackson videos" etc..

No one said it looked like the Nijaam Pakku Ad (which I thought was a bad idea to morph faces that have nothing in common..)

Considering my little one is a girl, the resemblence is uncanny.. hope she will take after her mother for her looks as she grows up..

Reader Comments (3)


Lil one looks like a "Ctrl C + Ctrl V" version of you... girls are considereed lucky if they look like their daddy. :))

December 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnu

Sundar ! the morphs tell quite a picture !! :)

Any more special effects..?!! Am not willing to buy the last line of {this is the last..) It seems like a Rajinikant movie tag these days !

December 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

oh wow so alike ;) so did u eat something like the laptops button when u were her age?

December 17, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

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