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Disclaimers !!!

Have spent the last hour reading about disclaimers, case law on disclaimers, how people can sue you even for someone elses comments displayed on your post etc..

the most helpful link was this !!

So, I will put two disclaimers.. One will be on the header, which will make my blog look ugly .. so I will make it the smallest font possible (he he he ..)

There will also be the second disclaimer on the "post your comments" box.

This is what happens when the world has more supply than demand for lawyers !

Take care !!

Reader Comments (6)

Sundar, Enna acchu.!! Though it doesn't harm doing this..why this knee jerk reaction.!!

But then, its your blog and you can do whatever you want.!!

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNarayanan Venkitu

Enna, avlo serious-a poittu irukka matter?

Inimey konjam careful-a thaan irukkanum.. competition-nu vandha oru vazhi parthura maattom... :-)

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterRaju

hmmm... didnt see any disclaimer in the 'post comments' box??

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji

Seems like you are too cautious. Anyhow it is better to be
like that.

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji S Rajan

narayanan sir, yesterday i read all about blogs, legal precendents for blog cases (how not much exists), etc. etc.

it was scary. i thought the US of A will be more lenient towards blog than our Swades.. but not really.. the lawyers here are more silly than the goondas back there. .

adhunala dhan.. he he..

i was trying hard to make the disclaimer in font 5.. but my html skills need improvement.. same thing with the comment.. went somewhere in teh template and said "your comments are your own".. but doesnt appear anywhere..

lawyer pasangala nambave mudiyaadhu.. personal experiencela sollaren.

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Reg. disclaimer on your blog:
Talk about small print! It couldn't get smaller. :)

July 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterThe Visitor

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