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Catch them young !!

Recently read Anu_P's post on how her mother was training her to do household chores.. I got a good laugh reading that. This morning, was cleaning up my daughters toy chest and found this !!!

Have no clue who got it for her and when ! But the label on the box was quite a shocker. Train your daughter to be a good daughter in law ? : by getting her used to cooking utensils at the age of three ???

I am not against women cooking. Women should cook if they feel like it, and so should men. But "goodness" in a daughter-in-law being judged by her cooking skills or penchant for the stove ? Now that is hilarious ...

So the Indian Barbie should learn to cook and clean ? Do they have pardha (veil) wearing barbies in the conservative countries in the middle east ? just wondering ...

ps. I dont know if this is a Barbie barbie or some local indian manufactured stuff which just uses the barbie name !

Reader Comments (6)

idhu localized barbie nu nanaikaren. anyway, loosuthanamaana concept!.

October 15, 2005 | Unregistered Commentertt_giant

surprisingly, they follow the same spelling as the original barbie..

enga veetu paakam (india) irukura shop sells blank CD's under than name SONE (Sony saar!).

October 15, 2005 | Unregistered Commentertt_giant

LOL :) Where was this Barbie made?? You should send it to 'Headlines Jay leno'.!! Very intresting..!!!

October 16, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNarayanan Venkitu

This is the most stupidest toy I have ever seen!

October 17, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAmbi

OMG!!!! Lost for words now. Where are these 'toys' sold?

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterWA

the toy's origin was traced to mumbai.. apparently the mother in law got it in her last trip.. from matunga


the utensils were too sharp for small kids (damn thing isnt safe either).. so she decided to hide it !!

October 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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