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Sundar Narayanan's Travelog

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Of Jasmine flowers and Mike shoes

San Francisco

Hong Kong









Baby doing her business after a 15 hour flight in Hongkong amidst a beautiful backdrop!!

Fill up the blanks to be done by : Daddy Narayanan

Jr. enjoying Jasmine flowers..

Daddy's new Mike sandals. Purchased from a street corner vendor who probably sells more shoes and sandals than all the shoe stores in Santa Clara put together !! Price : 5$ !! Keebok, Adibas were available as well !!

Currently enjoying the land of Jasmine flowers and Mike Shoes..

Will catch up soon..

In other news, Jr. who has never killed an insect in her entire life (thanks to me teaching her that killing innocent spiders or ladybugs is wrong), came to me today and said
"that mosquito came to bite me again. I swished one guy away and I killed the other guy so he wont bite me again!". Two proverbs need a rewrite..

Hell hath no fury than a girl bitten!
Once bitten, twice:you die !

Reader Comments (4)

Sundar - Are you in Chennai now? NIce photos as usual. Happy Pongal.!

January 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNarayanan Venkitu

no sir, still in bombay. just got here sat. night! so far 48 great hours in bombay..


January 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Hey Sundar ! Welcome back ! Its a nice feeling ! :-)

Any plans of coming down south..Let me know. Would love to catch up over a coffee or ..whatever mate !

How long are you going to be here..?

January 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

Hehehe poor gal - the only consolation is the mosquitos are so fat n full of dinner theyre lazy and cant fly fast - hence u get instant revenge ;p god those things are hugeeeeeee

have fun there ;p - both of them look so adorable ;)

January 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

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