
Alaska animal sightings..

On our recent trip to Alaska we saw many animals on the Denali Bus tour, on our way to and from Denali, at the wildlife conservatory in Turnagain Arm.. 

You could watch animals cross the desolate roads.. closest we saw this was at Yellowstone. The area of the preserve has to be really huge for this to happen is our guess!

Here are some of the pictures .. 

That was Dall sheep on the steep cliff faces, elk, grizzlies, moose, musk oxen, an owl, Ptarmigan which happens to be the state bird in Alaska, wood bison which is endangered and caribou! 

We are definitely going to plan another Alaska visit for a longer time in a couple of years.. Apparenlty you need to have 20 photographs published to be able to apply for a permit to go inside the park to photograph wild life and it is a lottery system of sorts. Will get there in time!

Options Galore!

Another attempt at salvaging a picture..

The original which was over exposed (my mistake for not changing settings after switching lenses)

My first attempt to cover it up by using artistic filters and adjusting the shadows and highlights..

The "Sankara Sastry" in me refusing to accept the "artistic" fix and doing a proper job of layering the image and blending it. .

At this point the image gets incremental improvement for every 10 minutes spent n the picture.

This goes to show the importance of many things..

a. make sure you check your settings everytime you switch lenses from Telephoto to wide angle so that you don't have to photoshop in the first place. 

b. always shoot raw images so you can pull this off in post processing

c. If you have overexposed sky and you cannot take bracketed shots (too much movement like this boat, wave etc. ) create smart object copies and blend images! 

This was worth the effort.. when printing the larger version of this image on an 8x10 it came out pretty good!

Why bother?

Sometimes San asks me why I bother to sit with Photoshop on some pictures..

See the original of this photo here..

Do you see that "Kebab me haddi" in the background? Well, he happened to be a nice guy, but as far as this picture was concerned he was an unwanted artifact. It was freezing out there, what with the glacier on one side and high speed winds on the other side. My subjects were literally 4 feet away and my zoom was at 17mm  to get them and the scenery in the frame. Simply could not get an angle where I could cut out the nice gentleman but my wife and daughter were flashing smiles at me and it would be criminal negligence if I did not click away!

Photoshop comes to the rescue. See the final picture!

Using the texture of the mountain and floating ice on another part of the picture, cleaned him out of the frame. On the one hand, yes! it is photo manipulation but on the one hand, I have something worth putting in our album!

Thank you Adobe for giving me the wisdom to know that we can always change things in "post-production"!