local park

Chasing the Milky way photograph..

It has always been a wish list item : Get a nice photograph of the Milky way..

As it so happened we were out in the woods on saturday at Sugarloaf Ridge State park in a campground. It was a new moon day! The sky was spectacular. There was minimal light pollution.

This was a trip I almost backed out of thanks to the face ache. The kids went on a strike of sorts and forced me to come. 

I did have the right lens and settings for this. 70-200L @2.8 and 30 second exposure on a good tripod.. but, was taking the shots at 11PM. Should have done it an hour after sunset to get the entire thing. 

There is always a next time. Happy with these shots for a first attempt. 

The belt was actually on the other side.. 

Think a 50mm f1.8 at 30seconds would have given me better results. That lens was in the bag. Don't know why I didn't think of it at that time. 

BB took some great shots of the campfire side with airplane trails. Next time we go camping we will not only apply the lessons on "how to prepare for camping?" but also "how to take great milky way photographs?"

On a side note, the tooth is out as of yesterday and right now going through a cocktail of antibiotics and pain killers. Do say a prayer for me so that this thing ends once the gum heals! 

Pinnacles National park - a day trip

We went on a day trip to Pinnacles National park (Monument as it is called) with the cousins. The weather report said 85 F and we thought it would be nice weather to go on a 2+ mile hike and maybe another 2+ mile hike.

The park website promised interesting views, including a network of bat caves. 

 The first trail to Bear Gulch was great. The rock faces were really colorful..

 we got to descend into the caves through narrow crevices and the temperature drop was a palpable 30+ degrees. There is water running under those caves and it is really cool down there!

It was not easy to take pictures without a tripod but the bouncing lights off the water and rocks did make for some interesting pictures!

We were hit by 106 F heat as we exit the caves through a near vertical staircase carved into the side of the caves. It truly reminded me of the Batman movie when we looked up towards the exit!

Poor bats, no wonder they are blind. We were blinded for a few seconds when we went from nice cool darkness to scorching heat and bright sunlight! 

We went on to see a beautiful resevoir which was abuzz with all types of dragonflies!

and one type of butterfly in the 100's or thousands! This guy posed for me without realizing it. Caught him with a 400 mm Zoom (which is why the background is all Bokeh'ed out).

It was an enjoyable trip. Next time we shoud hit it earlier in the year when peak temperatures are closer to 70's or 80's. The park pamphlet promises views of great falls and rock formations, but guess those are longer hikes and will have to wait till the adults are in better shape. The kids seem to be doing fine with the trails. 

Even the little one managed to walk for 4 hours with a countable "daddy, please thooki(carry) me!" instances.

Will definitely recommend this place for  day trip. 

ps. Apparently the caves will be closed soon for bat baby season.. so check before you go.

pps. Take a flashlight. It is dark in those caves and another visitor in front of us said they saw snakes in the caves which is not surprising. We used one flashlight and one iPhone app to navigate the caves. Two or three flashlights would have been better.

A new year begins..

With more pictures..

from the day trip to Elkhorn Slough..

There was a good chance of rain so the entire camera gear did not make it to the hike. We will definitely visit this place again at sunset!

Bridge to nowhere!

We got some great clouds. It had just stopped raining..

This was funny if it wasn't dangerous. One minute, I am sitting down on the tracks taking photographs and suddenly there is a train horn and this commuter train goes through.. no gates, no restrictions! It was cool though..

We did catch some birds but they were more impressive on the binoculars than on the 200mm zoom through the lens. Why cant we just take digital pictures off of what we see with those awesome binoculars?! 

There were many other birds that either looked like versions of sparrows or egrets and a bunch of hummingbirds and the whole place was filled with bird sounds. 

Will strongly recommend a walk around the slough as a day trip.. weather permitting!