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Entries in hair (10)


We just cannot wait...

Found the little one walking around the house like this today.

Rubber bands, hair clips, fake dangling clip on earrings to match pink fake hair..

Kept saying to myself "God, what have we done! She is brave on the outside but inside she does feel the lack of hair!"

Well, it was a one time deal and it will be forgotten in a month. We can already put a clip through the hair.

Had a heart to heart with the girl and she is okay. Why?

"In two months my hair will be growing faster than Akka and will be longer than Akka! So I am okay. This is just pretend for now"

Now all we can pray for is that it does start to grow faster.



Not sure about tonsure?

The little one bravely did the tonsuring ceremony. She was a real champ....

A day after losing her hair she was going through doubts. Kept trying to put flowers, rubberbands on her hair. It would break our heart to see her do this..

Then my mom put the little one on her lap and explained how giving your hair to god will only get you a lot more hair a lot faster as he will bless you etc. etc. and she was back to her beaming self.

Life is an illusion, but having hair is a big part of that illusion!

We now know exactly the way daddy Narayanan is going to bald over the next two years. Asked my mom why Ummachhi (god) did not bless me with a lot more hair a lot faster...

Apparently the illusion works only for kids under the age of five!



Doing tricks

Daddy has been having more than his regular share of headaches the last couple of days and decided to go have a massive haircut this evening.

The little one promptly declared that daddy looked more handsome after the haircut. Tonight during the usual "will you sleep with me for just 5 minutes please?" phase, she rubbed her hand over my hair ..

LO : Daddy your hair is doing tricks daddy!

Me : what do you mean?

LO : When I thadavi(caress) it up it is rough but when I thadavi it down it is sooo smooth. It is like magic.

I started laughing first, then wondered.. "wait a second, she does this all the time.. so why wasn't this magic discovered earlier?"

and the answer was

"before it was rough on both up and down thadavi's"

Something tells me that the little one might do a Ph.D. or at least go towards science and technology as she grows older.

She might even take up materials science for all we know!

On a completely different note, the head feels lighter, literally and figuratively and somehow it makes it look like daddy has more hair after the haircut than before. Must be some kind of optical illusion created by exposing the scalp.

Who knew?

Sometimes, less is more!




Maybe the study of goosebumps will not be called the obvious Goosebumpology, but will go by something more etymological?! like Piloerectology or Horripilatology?

We are talking of goosebumps because, Balaji and me came out of the theater after watching "Slumdog Millionaire" earlier today and were discussing the movie highlights.

We both told the other person that we got goosebumps at the exact same time when the music hit a crescendo during the scene where a cop chases a bunch of kids in a Mumbai slum.

That got me thinking! Goosebumps are actually a sign of fear or defense, much like when a porcupine gets its quills working. When a guy creates music that is neither scary or intimidating but is able to create a feeling of elation that creates goosebumps across people in the audience (okay 2 is not a big multiple, but this has happened in the past with me and San also) it is to be hailed as something more than an accomplishment.

Slumdog Millionaire is by far the best movie I have seen this year. It will stay on my mind for a long time.

Knowing that it sounds cliched, ARR rocks!

Seriously, how does this guy create goosebumps with that kind of consistancy?



Rettai Pinnal (Pigtails)

The little one is so conscious about dressing up. She always wants to look pretty like her akka.

But, she does not have enough hair. It is not growing fast and to top things off, we keep giving her a haircut because if she sweats, she falls sick.

Somehow Grandma managed to get two little rubberbands on her!

The little one was so happy that she insisted I take her photo in the backyard!

We really hope she grows enough hair soon, because it will be time for flowers and ribbons!


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